Some Fun Numbers
Note that these statistics are generated from not perfectly accurate computer generated transcripts and speaker detection, so they're for fun as opposed to research.
Global Statistic |
Value |
Total Length of all Episodes |
1249h:56m:31.2s |
Total Number of Words Spoken |
15418606 |
Average WPM (Words Per Minute) Across All Episodes |
205.6wpm |
Episode Statistic |
Episode |
Value |
Longest Episode (time) |
atp538.mp3 |
03h:34m:04.7s |
Shortest Episode (time) |
atp1.mp3 |
14m:36.0s |
Highest WPM episode |
atp225.mp3 |
229.8wpm |
Lowest WPM episode |
atp578.mp3 |
167.9wpm |
Note: I did not include episodes that predated chapters in the below statistics.
Chapter Statistic |
Episode |
Chapter |
Value |
Highest WPM chapter |
atp343.mp3 |
3 |
285.4wpm |
Lowest WPM chapter (likely the theme song, which voice recognition does not like) |
atp344.mp3 |
19 |
28.6wpm |
Longest Chapter (time) |
atp573.mp3 |
16 |
01h:54m:10.2s |
Shortest Chapter (time) |
atp453.mp3 |
4 |
00m:04.3s |
Speaker Statistics
Speaker Note: These counts will be higher than actual, as anytime two people were detected speaking we count all detected words during that period for both speakers.
Speaker Note 2: Flashlight often has difficulty detecting words that are sung, so I'd completely discount Jonathan Mann's word count.
Speaker Note 3: Pyannote speaker diarization is not correctly detecting all guests (episode 202 has some issues...), so counts are further inaccurate.
Speaker |
Spoken Word Count Across All Episodes (est) |
John |
7633153 words |
Marco |
5145788 words |
Casey |
2714458 words |
Chris Lattner |
35019 words |
Tiff Arment |
15591 words |
Christina Warren |
7656 words |
Jonathan Mann |
7264 words |
Phil Schiller |
6349 words |
Ben Cohen |
4315 words |
Holly Borla |
3015 words |
Google NotebookLM Announcer |
1774 words |
Word Cloud
Below is a word cloud generated across all episodes. Note that I manually picked out a list of ignored words so more interesting ones came to the top. The full list is below.
Ignored Words